Monday-Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sunday & Statutory Holidays: Closed
Registry @ South Trail Crossing
66, 4307 – 130th Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2Z 3V8
Fax: 403-257-1830

Registry @ South Trail Crossing Ltd. has been helping the people of Calgary since 2005 in fulfilling information and documentation requests. Land title information is useful in finding information on property owners, caveats, mortgages and more. Here, our trusted and experienced staff perform title searches and provide you with information regarding historical titles.
As an all-inclusive registry office, we strive to offer quality services in Calgary. We can provide you with certificates of title, registered documents , and survey plan copies. To request services on copy of records or land title in Calgary, get in touch with us.
We can assist you with land title searches, including a certified copy of the title or a historical title. To determine your specific needs, please read the descriptions below:
Current Land Title: A search to locate a certified copy of the title will show all outstanding registered interests in the land. These interests may include current owners, mortgages, easements, caveats, and builder’s liens. To perform a certified copy of a title search, a legal description, land identification number code (LINC), or title number is required.
Historical Titles: A historical title search will show who owned the property prior to the current owner. Searching for a historical title may require the name of the previous property owner(s), legal description, as well as a reference title number. Depending on the parameters of the search, digitized results may be immediate, while searches that involve microfilm records may take longer.
Obtain Alberta Land Titles Information
Please note that we can only provide search information. Any changes or amendments to a land title must be done directly and registered with a government land titles office in Calgary or Edmonton. Location and links to these locations are shown below:
How to Get a Copy of Alberta Title Documents
Either by a visit to our office or by email, you may request copies of title documents. Please keep in mind that our staff members don’t change or amend a land title; we only provide materials relevant to your search. The types of document copies we can supply are:
Registered Copies: A registered title copy is a direct facsimile of an original land title. These copies will show information on right of ways, city easements, mortgages, and caveats.
Survey Plan Copies: You may order copies of registered survey plans through our office. You will need a legal description or the plan and unit number.
Copy of Plans
Prints of registered plans can be obtained through our office. To obtain a copy of the plans, you will need the plan and unit numbers or the plan, block, and lot numbers. Plan copies are provided on large paper and produced by the land titles office. As this service requires delivery from the land titles office, your copy of plans request may take 24 to 72 to fulfill.
You can request a service mentioned above by visiting our office or sending us an email at admin@registrystc.com
What Is a Land Title Search?
A title is a collection of rights for real estate. Following this, a title search includes ascertaining details of the said rights and the person exercising them. A title search assists a buyer and a mortgage lender in establishing the appropriateness and ownership of a concerned property. This search helps prove that the seller has the capacity to sell the property and prevents legal issues in the future. It includes deeds and mortgages, tax, marriage, and probate records, or another relevant document that might influence the title of the property.
Hence, a land title search provides you with information on land titles. You can either use the land title number or the legal land description while inputting your search request. These include:
Land Identification Number Code (LINC), or
The Title Number for the Property, or
Legal Land Description: Can Be Found Using the Street Address
For more information about the fee we charge for our services, feel free to peruse through our detailed pricing list.
Types of Land Title Searches
You can narrow down your land title search based on the different purposes each of them serves. Listed below are the types of land title searches:
Current title: The title lists the present-day owner(s) and the latest information related to a piece of land. It also includes all outstanding registered interests in the property, such as mortgages, caveats, city easements and builders’ liens.
Document retrieval: You could retrieve certified copies of land title information using the document number if the document was registered after 1973. For documents registered before 1973, you will have to file a request.
Historical search: To retrieve this, you need to submit reference title numbers, the legal description and the owner’s name. It offers information about a particular land title registrant or a specific date.
What Information Can Registry @ South Trail Crossing Provide?
Registry @ South Trail Crossing can provide you with the following information and documents:
Certified Copy of Land Title
Copy of Any Registered Document on the Title
Copy of Condo Plan
Registered Survey Plan
Township Images
Soil Capability Information
How Do I Obtain Land Title Information and Documents?
At Registry @ South Trail Crossing Ltd., we strive to make the process of obtaining land title information and documentation as easy as possible. You can obtain land title information by any of the following methods:
We believe in providing relevant assistance to all our customers for them to make better registry decisions.
Get an Alberta Land Title Search in Calgary
Registry @ South Trail Crossing Ltd. can make your land titles search easy and straightforward at extremely fair rates. All you have to provide us are particulars like; “Plan, Block and Lot”. This is a set of three numbers or a combination of numbers and letters.
Whereas there are many alternative procedures to find out the legal description for a land titles search, the most straightforward way is if you have an old copy of your title. It can be found on the top left of the title. You can also find the legal description on the tax invoice from your city or other municipality. Some of the other documents that include legal descriptions include:
Property report
A copy of your mortgage
Paperwork from when you bought your property
Visit us today to start your land title search.
Land Title Changes or Amendments
Any changes or amendments to a land title must be done directly and registered with a government land titles office in Calgary or Edmonton. Location and links to these locations are shown below:
John E. Brownlee Building
10365 - 97 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T5J 3W7
Phone: 780-427-2742
Fax: 780-422-4290
Hours of Operation: 8:15 am - 4:00 pm Monday to Friday
Email: lto@gov.ab.ca
Service Alberta Building
710 - 4 Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2P 0K3
Phone: 403-297-6511
Fax: 403-297-8641
Hours of Operation: 8:15 am - 4:00 pm Monday to Friday
Email: lto@gov.ab.ca
See the Land Titles page of the Service Alberta website for more detailed information.