Monday-Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sunday & Statutory Holidays: Closed
Registry @ South Trail Crossing
66, 4307 – 130th Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2Z 3V8
Fax: 403-257-1830

Tired of waiting in long and boring queues? Well, you don’t have to anymore! Registry @ South Trail Crossing now allows you to skip the actual line and join our virtual lineup. You can sign in directly from your home and wait comfortably until it’s your turn.
We will keep you updated on your place in line via this website and text messages.
When you arrive at our office, please wait in your vehicle. You will receive a text telling you when to join us inside.
If you have a scheduled road test for today, please come directly into our office and check-in at the Road Test Desk.
Here are three ways to join the virtual lineup
Scan With Your Cell Phone Camera
Join our virtual lineup by scanning the given code below with your cell phone camera.